
Mesozoica game dinosaurs
Mesozoica game dinosaurs

mesozoica game dinosaurs

While her scales are usually a yellowish-brown color, they change during certain seasons. A sail, that can be lowered for multiple reasons, adorns her back. Also, the fleshy crest at the top of her head is used to make a unique mating call. The creature's legs can take her very far, almost outmatching a horse in speed. At the other end of her body are spikes that while looking like a thagomizer, are used primarily for digging nests. The tusks that jut from her jaw are used to stab prey and keep them in place for the final bite. Species: Allenopodus irwinii (slurpasaur)ĭescription: Yaar'danin is usually passive but when she hunts, she's nothing short of vicious. Krogg has also dyed the tip of his horn bright red this not only makes him look more fearsome, but the elders agree that it may increase his ferocity in battle as well. Spearface's scales are a dark chocolate brown with a lighter underbelly, and two striking splotches of dark blue adorn his frill.

mesozoica game dinosaurs

He won't hesitate to fight Krogg's enemies, either the forward-curved nasal horn that is his namesake isn't just for attracting mates, after all. He is a brave and loyal companion, and will carry his master fearlessly into battle. Habitat: The same floodplain as the Hole People.ĭescription: Spearface is Krogg's noble steed, a huge, ferocious bull ceratopsian the hunter raised from an egg. Species: Centrosaurus nasicornus (Harryhausen retrosaur style)Īge: Mature adult (not sure off hand how quickly ceratopsians age) He most often wields a hefty club, a stone head lashed to a fire-hardened wood handle, or his prized possession, a spear tipped by a Stegosaurus tail spike. He is skilled in all the many arts of his trades, including the use of various types of weapon. His chest is adorned with a large painted white sickle claw, and an actual claw of the same type hangs from a cord around his neck, a trophy taken from a Utahraptor he slew in his youth. He normally wears crude buckskin pants and moccasins, also donning a poncho made from a Smilodon pelt if the weather requires it.

#Mesozoica game dinosaurs skin

A powerfully built giant of man with a wild tangle of dark brown hair, his tanned, weather-beaten skin is crisscrossed with scars. This tunnel is located in a flat floodplain not far from Hyperion's current coastal swamp.ĭescription: Krogg is his tribe's greatest hunter and warrior, and looks the part. Habitat: As the name would suggest, the Hole People make their current home in an old tunnel bored out of the earth by the great god Baragon. Hyperion is relaxed, but a fierce dinosaur. Hyperion, while shy, is not afraid to fight when he has too, as he’s fought off a pack of Baryonyx after they’ve encroached on his kill. He can often be seen bathing in the crystal clear water munching on a fish. He prefers not to get into the affairs of others and is rather reclusive ands shy. Habitat: Coastal Mangrove Swamps, Coastal Mud-Flats, Coastal Beachesĭescription: Hyperion is an adult Spinosaurus with a nonchalant attitude. While having an average intelligence, Baragon is very formidable and agile, being a worthy opponent for many kaiju who face him. It is a voracious hunter and will not hesitate to feed on other kaiju, and smaller animals alike. Habitat: All except dense forest, oceans and desert.ĭescription: Baragon is a horned dinosaur that evolved 97 MYA. This is used to lighten up dark areas, and soften rock. No tiering system.īaragon’s horn can emit light. Now I want to introduce the Animal Profile! It’s really just the same as the kaiju profile, but scaled down. Since I’m not cruel, however, once again, fan monsters will be accepted with open arms. There are tiers of monsters and they go as followed. Talents! Talents are a single ability a kaiju can use for non-combat purposes like intimidation, helping with food, etc.Īlong with the lack of beams, I’d like to change the size mechanic. How can I get this across? No energy/breath weapons! Sounds strange, eh? Well, I want this to be slightly more grounded so I’d rather not have kaiju spit mountain-destroying beams of death. Since it’s fictional and composite, you can use dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures from the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous.Īlso, I’d like to make this RPG a bit more. We have so many futuristic RPGs but why not one set in a composite Mesozoic age? This RPG will explore what kaiju life was like during the age of the dinosaurs.

Mesozoica game dinosaurs